Sarah Mae Johnson
Asset Strategy & Lifecycle Manager
Nationalgrid Ventures
Building Efficient Asset Management Strategies while moving into a Comprehensive Digital Transformation
15 — 16 May, 2025 Prague
Achieving excellence in asset management is evolving into a key component of 21st-century energy industry standards. To implement cost-effective and systematic approaches to asset management by bringing profound business practices is now a must for the vast majority of electricity-providing companies.
This summit will unite energy industry leaders and experts to elaborate on the best practices and lessons-learned on the changing and developing mechanisms of asset management. Industry professionals will exchange ideas and experience regarding the main challenges of their field; such as fine-tuning the overdue upgrades while holding down costs and rates to satisfy international customers, gaining visibility and control over operational risks to ensure sustainability. Such an exchange will allow industry professionals to make the precise decisions on capital investments, operation and maintenance, resourcing strategies and value realization.
Attendees will have the ultimate opportunity to expand their industry-based network to bring collaborative resolutions to the international energy industry at Asset Management Summit for Electricity Providers.
Chief Executives, VPs, Directors, Managers, Department Heads, Leaders of:
Asset Strategy & Lifecycle Manager
Nationalgrid Ventures
Asset Management Mentor / Manager
Enerjisa Üretim
Senior Information Technology Architect
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica
Asset Risk Manager
GE Grid Solution
Strategy Specialist
ČEZ Distribuce
Global Key Account Manager
Global Director Power Grids
European Asset Manager
Aukera Energy
ITAMS Program Director & Director Italy
OHROS Consulting Group
Asset Manager PV & BESS
Head of OT Guard
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